Start of a new term. The excitement of summer has long passed and the nights will be drawing in. The challenge to keep Scouts active and interested begins.
Welcome to 6th Morley Scouts. We are delighted if your child would like to join us and we are happy for him/her to come along to the first couple of sessions free of charge see if Scouts is what they were expecting.
Each week, unless arranged in advance, we will meet at 7.00pm. If you arrive late and find the gate locked please phone one of the leaders who will come out and let you in. If you arrive early – do not leave your child until a uniformed leader arrives. The sessions end at 9.00pm and only Scouts with written permission will be able to leave unaccompanied.
Please send them each week wearing sensible shoes or trainers. We may often be going outside so please send them with a coat – even if it is not raining when you drop them off. If they bring mobile phones with them we accept no responsibility for loss or damage - so be warned.
Once your child is settled you will need to provide a uniform. This is a Teal (Green) shirt which is available from a number of outlets: The Scout Uniform can be ordered on-line at: Khalid’s in Morley, Queen Street also stock the Scout Uniform. Also the Scout shop in Pudsey – ask for details. Please check with them for availability and price.
The Necker is unique to 6th Morley Churwell. Scouts can only wear the Necker once they are invested into the troop. Our policy is that the shirt and Necker (once invested) must be worn each week on troop nights and other activities. Trainers and jeans or tracksuit trousers are ok for troop nights and activities but for formal events such as parades we insist on black trousers and shoes.
2012 subs are £30 per term (same for Cubs and Beavers). The terms follow the school term times with breaks for half term. We also hold regular additional activities at weekends which are advertised separately at an appropriate cost.
Please note that all Leaders are volounteers and after paying capitation to the Scout Association to cover fees and insurance, we use the rest to pay for the hire of the school hall and pay for badges awards and consumables. Please be assured every penny we collect or raise is used for the benefit of the Scouts in the troop. If you are a tax payer remember to give us your details so that we can claim Gift-Aid on your donations.
Finally – thank you again for visiting 6th Morley Scouts. If you have any questions or concerns please contact any of the leadership team who will be happy to assist.
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